What Is The Fastest Way To Get Rid Of A Yeast Infection?
While there are many home remedies that you can try, the fastest (and proven) way to cure yeast infections is with antifungal medications. While yeast infections are typically treated by using an over-the-counter cream or prescription antifungal, there are home remedies that may help to clarify them as well. Boric acid is a naturally occurring chemical that may help treat yeast infections that are not treated with typical antifungal medications.
Boric acid may sometimes cause vaginal burning, is toxic if ingested, and should not be used often or while pregnant. Boric acid suppositories may also help get rid of yeast infections at home. Baking soda and water is a gentle option that may help to balance your vaginas pH level and eliminate yeast infections.
Some studies show using probiotics (either taken in pills or placed in your vagina) may help cure yeast infections more quickly if combined with medications. Probiotics contain healthy bacteria, which may help to balance yeast levels. Other studies have shown that probiotic Lactobacillus may improve the effectiveness of antifungal medications taken by women who have vaginal yeast infections.
One clinical trial found that a specific capsule probiotic, combined with regular antifungal medications, may help to achieve long-term treatment for recurring yeast infections. A recent study found that eating yogurt that contains a probiotic bacteria, lactobacillus acidophilus, helps inhibit the growth of yeast. Antifungal medications destroy or slow down fungus (including yeast) growth.
Products such as douches or vaginal sprays may deprive the vagina of healthy bacteria, leading to infections. The Internet may tell you that injecting things like tea tree oil suppositories, coconut oil, or garlic into the vagina may help to eliminate overgrowth of yeast.
Sugar helps yeast to flourish in your vagina, so you are better off not consuming too much or introducing it directly when treating an infection. Well, yeast thrives on sugar, so the more sugar there is in your bloodstream, the more that yeast can thrive.
Fortunately, yeast infections respond well to antifungal creams or suppositories sold over-the-counter, so if you are certain you have got yeast infections, then continue trying out OTC treatments for yeast infections, such as Monistat or Yeast Arrest Suppositories, both of which contain Boric acid, a gentle antiseptic. Your healthcare provider might be able to prescribe Diflucan (fluconazole), an antifungal oral medicine that typically treats yeast infections in a single dose. The pill can also take one or two days longer than treatment with topical products to ease symptoms and clear up a yeast infection.
More recently, a 2007 paper in Diabetes Care found that vaginal boric acid suppositories were more effective at controlling C. glabrata infections in diabetic women (diabetes is a risk factor for yeast infections) than an oral azole drug. Doing this with apple cider vinegar may do more harm than good, leading to increased pain and irritation, as well as a chance of further infections. Some studies have suggested that adding one to two capsfuls of apple cider vinegar to a hot bath may stop the growth of further yeast.5 However, there is not yet enough research to conclusively say bathing with apple cider vinegar does something about yeast infections.
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