Easy (Realistic) Tips for Living a Healthy Lifestyle


Easy (Realistic) Tips for Living a Healthy Lifestyle

It is officially Spring here in LA and this warm weather has us more motivated than ever to make healthy decisions! That's why we called on our friend Nicole Cogan, CEO and Founder of the popular gluten-free website and blog NOBREAD, and asked her to give us some easy & REALISTIC tips for incorporating healthy decisions into our busy lifestyle.

Keep reading to see what she had to say!

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Q: Please introduce yourself to our users!

Hi! I'm Nicole Cogan, also known as @NOBREAD!

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Q: How did you get your start as a health and wellness blogger?

NOBREAD began as a gluten-free dining guide. I ran around New York City's best restaurants seeking out their gluten-free options and reporting my findings back to my followers. My mission has always been to show people that just because their lives have to be affected, doesn't mean their lifestyles have to be. Us GF folk should and can be able to enjoy meals anywhere! Over time, my restaurant guides expanded to LA, DC, SF, Boston, Chicago, and London! On my journey, I realized it was important to provide content that reached all people, regardless of what city they lived in. SO I started doing recipes, travel content, fitness, and general health and wellness!

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Q: We believe your mental health is just as important as a healthy diet. What are some ways you incorporate self-care into your busy life!

I do SO much self-care. Self-care, self-love, and self-health; are absolutely necessary! I go for hour-long walks every day, listen to music, work out, go to the sauna, and meet up with my friends (I keep a circle of people who have GOOD VIBES and who raise me up, ONLY). Self-care goes into my calendar the way meetings do!

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Q: TIME. Probably the biggest excuse when it comes to committing to a healthy lifestyle. What advice do you have for busy bee’s looking to take their health more seriously?

As I mention above, you have to block time out in your day for self-care and healthy living! Even if it is putting a 15-minute block in your calendar for preparing a meal or calling a friend. Also, people think that healthcare means paying money to go to a service or hiring someone to help them with a health and wellness hack. NOT true! Self-care is free

and easy... it is all about making the commitment to yourself to change and be the person you want to be.

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Q: What are some easy ways our readers can incorporate healthier habits into their daily lives? Any favorite go-to snacks, meals, or beverages? (this might be a good place to plug in a few blog posts/recipes)

I am known for providing RELATABLE tips, recipes, and advice. My go-to Cauliflower Rice bowl is a crowd favorite (get the recipe here). My biggest health tip is DO NOT deprive yourself! I have a piece of chocolate EVERY. DAY. Depriving only leads to starving and binging!! It is all about treating yourself in moderation and with the right things. I absolutely love Enjoy Life Foods and Simple Mills Products. ALSO- always carry a healthy snack in your bag! Almonds, pecans, GoMacro Bars, and nut butter are staples in every bag I have. That way I don't stress when I am out and get hungry, and am not sure what I can eat.

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Q: Being a young female entrepreneur with a large platform, you serve
as a great role model to many. Is there any last piece of advice you’d like to leave our readers with today?

DO what feels right and good for YOU. There is a lot of information on social media... too much... and social media is a highlight reel of our lives. If a tip or something you read and see feels right for YOU, try it! But do NOT change or conform to what someone else deems acceptable. Listen to your body, and make changes that
feel right to YOU.

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